Hi! I’m Gemma! Thank you for visiting my page Little-Miss-Yorkshire. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
My aim with the website is to showcase Yorkshire off as much as possible and to inspire everyone to get outside and explore. The walks on here are a real mix, suitable for all the family.
My bugbear with most walking websites is that they have walks that are far too long, too strenuous or ‘just for the sake of it’ walks so I do struggle to get excited by them. Most of the time I have to adapt them to be half the distance, avoid certain sections or research other things close by to include to liven it up a bit. That is why Little-Miss-Yorkshire was created.
This website has short walks, longer walks, hill climbs, pram friendly walks, ones with facilities (cafes and toilets), ones with a playground on route and ones with interesting features to see – in my case I love a waterfall!
I will also be reviewing days out in Yorkshire as well as some of our weekends away a bit further afield.
Thanks for reading this far. I would love to hear from you if you have tried any of these suggestions or have your own ideas of ones that could be added 🙂
Get in touch;
Or follow me on Instagram @girlaboutyorkshire;