Scavenger hunts – tried and tested for you!

We all know that walking with little ones can be a little bit like pulling teeth at times! Try out these scavenger hunts below to distract little ones or have a read of some more distraction techniques!

Scavenger hunts are a great way to make walks more exciting as it gives the walk a purpose. This can be particular good for those repetitive short local walks or for those longer walks where you need to keep their little legs moving! The ultimate in distraction these scavenger hunts work time and time again.

All these scavenger hunts are tried and tested with our little man

Colour scavenger hunt

A super easy simple hunt to do. It can be done in a variety of ways and you don’t really need any equipment. If your little one is in to collecting items and taking them home then a simple colouring in of an egg box is perfect. Why not find something in different colours, just find things all of the same colour or find all the colours of the rainbow.

colour scavenger hunts
Colour hunt

Bug scavenger hunt

You may want to get a little more interactive with this one! Why not dress up or take anything you have lying around that could help your little one’s imagination. Pretend to be a zoo keeper, or a vet. Make sure you have the right gear – a magnifying glass is a must! A bag, bucket, container plus a net, tongs, large spoon, anything goes in catching these creatures! You could make your own ‘bug’ sheet too like ours.

bug hunting
Bug sorting and identifying

Nature treasures

Getting out and about you will undoubtedly come home with pockets full of nature treasures. Intentionally or not, your little one is already tuned in to their own distraction techniques so go with it!

It’s always worth carrying a small bucket or bag for impromptu collections like these. Nappy/poo bags are very handy to carry around for these times (and others!). Also try get your little one to take ownership and carry the bag of treasure. They will soon realise that a bag full of stones is pretty heavy and re-evaluate how many are actually worthy of taking home.

shape and nature treasure scavenger hunt
Treasure sorting
collecting nature treasures
Collecting more nature treasures

Potion making

Potions can be made, luckily, with anything and everything. Collect petals, leaves, twigs, pine needles, flower heads, blossom and just add to different coloured water. If you have any spray bottles left over too then these will come in handy for after.

potion making
Making potions

Snail scavenger hunt

This is my Little Man’s favourite. There is always an abundance of snail shells around where we live so you really don’t have to go far to collect things. The beauty of these is that they are all different so it’s easy to keep them going with trying to find the biggest giant snail. We extend this activity out even further by washing them all when we get home and leaving them out to dry.

snail scavenger hunts
Snail sorting

All these scavenger hunts spark curiosity, are great for exploring different textures, colours, sizes as well as working on their vocabulary. In the early days the talking around what they find is the most important feature. They won’t even notice how far they have walked. As they get older their imagination will kick in and they will probably come up with their own hunts to do.

blossom collecting
Blossom collecting

Wellness scavenger hunt

Did you take part in my Wellness Walk as part of Skipton Wellness Week ? Click here to download the Wellness Scavenger Hunt and to find out more!

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